Renewel of Process Description
Software used:
- Visio
- Adobe Photoshop
The company had a process of constructing the instrument in question. Instructions existed on each station, which could be found through a process description, built in Visio. As a newcomer to the company, that process description made little, to no sense. The colors didn't have any particular meaning, lines and boxes where uneven, the pages where not the same size and so forth. Therefore, I toke the task to update this process description, not only to make it easier for the assamblers at the company, but so the newcomers easily could understand the process.
The first thing I did was make a template that would be used on all pages, so that the header, boxes etc would look the same on all pages. I also made sure to remove unnecessary information, for example "" as this was not interesting for anyone to see (the documents didn't have numbers, they had names which would be displayed in the header).
After that, I started from page to page. I removed outdated instructions, I made sure to understand the process, and I tried to make every page to be read from left to right.
From 133 Visio-documents, it is now 86 documents. The reduction occured because of many old pages, dublicates, and unnessacary pages (A page with one button for instense is unnessecary).
Colors now has a meaning. Every group in the production has an assigned color, and this helps to understand where different units comes from. A reason why does was neccessary is that some groups had dedicated colors, while some didn't have. Inconsistany is not good.
Every document became named in a consistent way, for example "10. PD [Group] [Site]" (The number stands for the depth level of the process description, where 10 is the highest level, 20 is the level under etc. PD stands for Process Description). This makes it easy to find the document in future editing. This was also neccessary as the names previosly where inconsistant. Some pages had numbers, some dind't, some pages hade "Process Descritpion" in the name, some didn't.
The template was also saved, to secure that futere pages that is created has the same measurments as the other pages.
Old Process Description
New Process Description
Old Process Description
New Process Description